Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Let Go and Trust

Colt has been serving his heavenly mission for 2 years, today. Some days are harder to face than others, but I have slowly learned to let go of the plan I had for my life and find joy in the one that is laid before me.

I recently saw a Facebook post where a woman talked about her own journey of losing a daughter. She relayed how Heavenly Father helped her through the ordeal and strengthened her to let go. It was a touching post and strengthened my own understanding of God’s plan for my life. There was, however, a comment on the post that made me pause and think: ‘Don’t you wish God would have just… healed her instead?’

 I thought about losing my own son…

In my deepest moments of shock and disbelief, I watched Richard give CPR to our lifeless little boy. It was then, through sobs, that I pleaded with my Heavenly Father to spare Colt’s life.

Once the paramedics arrived, I began to feel a twinge of hope that it was all going to be ok. They were going to save my precious little boy!

The ambulance ride seemed to last forever, but I remained strong and kept praying to witness a miracle. It wasn’t long after we were wheeled into a room at the hospital, though, that I began to lose hope. The minutes were going by and things weren’t looking good… I sat there, tears running down my cheeks, staring at my life crumble before my eyes.

It was in these moments that I finally submitted to my Heavenly Father’s will. I no longer prayed for Him to heal Colt, but I prayed for Him to take my little boy into His own arms and strengthen us who were left behind.

There have been many times, these past two years, where I have wanted to be angry with my Father in Heaven for not healing Colt. I have questioned why and wondered what His plan was for my life; thinking the one I had once dreamed of would have panned out much better.

I am often left feeling like I have lost all purpose. Who am I, then? What am I doing here? Why have you left me all alone?

However, when I look at how much Heavenly Father really is in the details of my life, I find hope and purpose.

Richard and I wanted a 2nd child for several years before Colt finally came into our home. It was a time in our lives where we wondered why our ‘righteous desire’ wasn’t being fulfilled. This trial was almost forgotten when we finally held our handsome boy in our arms. Once he passed away though, I understood at least part of the reason for that particular trial of struggling to bear children.

If Colt had come when we had wished, things would have been much different. Colt was born in Missouri; however, we were able to move back near family only two months after his birth. His short little life was spent surrounded by loved ones, in the most beautiful place, where we were able to experience life to its fullest. I can’t imagine how much greater our trials would have been had he come on my time table… and not spent so much time with the people who loved him most.

I know, with all of my heart, that Colt was the special spirit that was supposed to be born into our family. He was born at exactly the right place and time. Heavenly Father’s plan WAS better than mine.

I also know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Colt was called home [early] for a very specific purpose. While I may not have quite as much understanding about the plan surrounding this event, I know Heavenly Father’s plan IS better than mine. Even if I have to remind myself of this fact nearly every day.

Last spring, we took out a HUGE pine tree from our front yard. It was no longer serving us, and we made the decision to cut it down. It was a long process of my father-in-law climbing the tree, cutting the branches as he went; followed by cutting down the trunk, section by section, back down to the bottom. It took two whole days to get down to the stump. After that, we had to dig… and dig… and dig… chopping off the roots as we went, to try and get the stump out of our yard. Once we were pretty sure we could pull it out, we chained it to the truck and drove forward. I heard the last remaining roots breaking as the stump was pulled free. We spent a couple more days filling in the hole, leveling the ground, and planting a new tree in place of the huge pine.

There wasn’t as much work involved, but we also planted a new tree in our backyard the very same day.

I had wanted these two new trees for nearly a year (ever since we moved to the house). I followed every guideline I could find on how to best care for them. I treated them exactly the same and did my best to help them thrive.

To my disappointment, only a few months after they had been planted, I noticed that one of them was struggling. I read about what to do, trying my best to help the tree... but it wasn’t enough. One of my trees died, despite giving it my best effort. The other, however, was doing amazingly well.

Why did one tree survive (and even make it to the next spring), while the other did not? They were watered the same… fertilized the same… loved the same… and yet one couldn’t survive.

It didn’t take me long to liken this to my own life.

Sometimes we have big plans… some of them work out… and some of them do not. Sometimes we choose to change our course and cut down a tree, however, sometimes our course gets changed when we don’t want it to… even if we are praying and doing our best to help that plan thrive. Are we willing to chop down the dead trees, even though part of us wants a miracle so they will begin to thrive again?

The trick is to let the dead trees go and keep planting new ones; because no matter which trees thrive and which ones fail, the sun keeps shining and every tree is beautiful. Afterall, God doesn’t want us to be miserable, but he also doesn’t want us to stare at the same tree our whole lives.

I love you Colt-Man.                  -Mom

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